The Art of Modeling


Hey there! I'm thrilled to announce this super-special workshop you won't want to miss.

Let's face it: posing models can be tricky for photographers.

Join me for a Model Posing Workshop where you'll dive deep into the art of capturing that perfect shot.

Gabriella, our expert coach and seasoned model, knows the ropes inside out. With her guidance, you'll sharpen your directing skills and elevate your photography game.

Get hands-on experience with Gabriella herself—she'll be your coach and model, in rocking sports gear and lingerie to showcase diverse poses.

You'll learn the secrets to creating stunning images from mastering composition to playing with lighting.

Spaces are limited, so don't hesitate—grab your spot now.

The workshop fee is $175, payable upon registration. This covers studio rental, model fees, and includes a model release.
Attendees must be 18 years or older.
Please note that video recording during the workshop is prohibited.
Only pre-paid members will have access to the event to honor my financial commitments to the model and studio.
Additionally, a model release form is included.

Sign up now to secure your spot!

The first two photographers to register will receive a $25 discount.

There are only 4 seats so every photographer has enough time to practice the different lighting setups.

You can sign up here!

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